Hello, my name is Ericka. My friends call me “E.”


Talking about myself is awkward, but in the context of Jesus I can hang because I amount to this: I’m His girl and He’s my Lord.  

I’m probably not whatever is perceived on the outside.  I have one goal in life and that is to live out the prayer that my mother has prayed over me since I was born:

To be a disciple of The Lord, yielded to The Holy Sprit; great is my peace and undisturbed composure. 

I just want to be good fruit. 

On a daily basis that looks like being a caregiver to my husband and our son, serving my family and friends well and aspiring to leave people better than I first encountered them.  

I have Good News to share in the midst of a very complex life and would love for you to walk with me along The Way. 

“Satisfy us in the morning with your faithful love so that we may shout with joy and be glad all our days.”

Psalms 90:14


I’d love to connect with you!

Feel free to email me anytime: erickainthemorning@gmail.com or find me on Instagram: @nthemorning.