
Good Morning!

Diary: Don't Go Chasing Miracles


I have been blessed to witness amazing, death-defying, ain’t nothin but The Lord miracles in my lifetime. 

My mother almost lost me when she was 7 months pregnant with me - the doctors told her they could give her a medication to keep her stable but it could jeopardize my life.  She chose me over her, and God chose both of us because of her faithfulness.

My dad unknowingly had a ruptured appendix for five days and when he finally went to the doctor, they told him he should be dead but that his body miraculously built a wall of tissue around his appendix to keep its toxins from infecting the rest of his body.

My husband went into sudden cardiac arrest while on the treadmill at the gym.  His heart stopped and the paramedics could not produce a heartbeat for 30 minutes but by the time he made it to the hospital he was awake and talking.

These are all experiences that I carry with me and I feel blessed to have witnessed first-hand The Lord’s power in my life.  These experiences alone, however, do not prove God’s power - they simply affirm it and I need to keep myself in check about that.

There are three requests I have before The Lord and I have confidence in Him that He is ABLE to perform, the question is WILL He, and the answer is: it doesn’t matter because even if He doesn’t, He still is exactly Who He says He is and His grace is sufficient in the “Yes,” in the “Wait,” and even in the “No.”

We cannot always expect the sign and the wonder - chasing miracles is not the point.  We will fare much better when our faith lies in WHO God is and not WHAT He can do.

Jesus said, ‘Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.’
— John‬ ‭20:29‬
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