
Good Morning!

Diary: The Balancing Act

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...let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.
— ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭

I’ve been wrestling with what the balance between confidence and humility looks like.  I’m probably the most confident now then I’ve ever been in my life - praise God that there really is a 1:1 trade off between youth and confidence.  

Here’s the thing, I have played it safe (i.e small) my whole life.  It was a means of survival both in my home life and socially.  I found early on that I was “too much” of this or “not enough” of that for certain people, and after a while it wears on you because when you’re young you just want to fit in and belong.  But as I’ve gotten older - and especially since becoming a mom - I’m done with that, primarily because I want to set the right example for my son and it would break my heart if I unintentionally sent a message that Miles should dim his light in any space, for anybody. What’s more, God calls us to be set apart and let our light shine.

Here’s the thing though, I see a lot of false confidence portrayed both on social media and in real life, especially where I’m from (L.A.), so honestly, I get tripped up sometimes.  I will never be the loudest person in the room (not my style).  I don’t have pedigree. I don’t come from a family that is “well-connected,” and I don’t have an abundant social or professional network.  In my 20s, “status” is what I thought determined or measured one’s confidence. In my 30’s, I’ve realized that was a lie.

In my 20s, I thought that humility meant quieting your voice so that you don’t rock the boat.  In my 30s, I’ve realized that was a lie and a scapegoat for fear.

In the twilight of my 30s, here’s the truth I’ve traded for those lies: all of who I am (or not) is rooted in who my Creator says I am - that is where my confidence AND my humility lives. 

Confidence is knowing who you are.

Humility is knowing Whose you are.

Humility, the fear of the Lord, results in wealth, honor, and life.
— ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22:4‬ ‭
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