
Good Morning!

Gotta Be Where You Are

Gotta Be Where You Are

This is what my heart is screaming to Jesus these days: Wherever you are Lord is where I need to be! 

Not even want to, or would like to but need to.  Life is just that real right now and it’s taking its toll on what I can handle in my own physical, mental, and emotional strength.  My time is stretched and life’s responsibilities are demanding so many parts of me all at the same time.  Two weeks ago, I was ready to R-U-N  A-W-A-Y, like seriously run and say “Bye Vic and Miles, there’s food in the fridge and diapers in the pail so I’ll be gone til’ November.”  I’m not kidding. 

But a few good cries, a nap, and some self-care later, I am back in my right mind and realize that I’m not looking to run from anything - that’s not my style anyway; what I’m really looking for is to run to Jesus and stay there and hide.  Isn’t that the point though in His word when He says: “come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest?”  He’s saying to us “run to Me and bury (hide) your fears, your stress, your anxiety, your hopes, your dreams in Me.”   

The problem (or so I think) is that my time with Him looks different now.  Before having Miles, I could sit with Him in the quiet for a good while and pour my heart out, or go for a walk or run and pray, and I’ve been a little resentful that I don’t have that time anymore.  But Jesus is with me wherever I am and gives me unlimited access to Him WHENEVER I need, so I just need to take Him at His word and reach out to Him WHILE I am in the midst of handling all of the 5,437,999 things I have to juggle.  I need to allow Him to meet me exactly where I am because when I do my soul rests, I can breathe, and I realize that He never intended for me to handle those 5,437,999 things by myself, in fact - it’s humanly impossible.  Can you relate, Sis?

My prayer for each of us is that we would allow Jesus in - into the hard places, the dead places, the challenging places, the impossible places and allow His living water to refresh our souls and renew our minds.  That we would run to Him and hide the promises of His Word (the promise of peace over worry, anxiety, and fear - Philipians 4:6 ; an exchange of The Father’s strength for our weaknesses - 2 Corinthians 12:9; joy that comes from patient endurance - James 1:2) in our hearts and experience His presence right where we are, wherever that happens to be.  

He saw these days coming long before we did and He made provision for them the day He died on The Cross.  In light of that truth, would you join me in striving to find Him in the struggle and let Him take over?

The Long Walk Home

The Long Walk Home

Eleven Years, Eleven Lessons

Eleven Years, Eleven Lessons