
Good Morning!

I Go Before You

I Go Before You

The Lord is the one who will go before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or abandon you. Do not be afraid or discouraged.
— ‭‭Deuteronomy 31:8

I’m slipping back into old habits - it’s par for the course typically when we’re trying to re-settle back into our life after Vic has been hospitalized.  The truth is, a hospitalization for him means more responsibility for me to take on, which also means a greater chance that my irritability, fatigue and overall weariness creeps in.  This is the ebb and flow of being a caregiver. 

I love Vic and I love caring for him (he’s the most grateful patient in the world) but there is something the enemy tempts me with at times, which is simply “you didn’t sign up for this.”  And you know what? That. Is. A. Lie. I did sign up for this, I absolutely did.  When we married almost 12 years ago, there are some vows that we took to the effect of “in sickness and in health” - yep that part -  the one that covers many of the hardships we have faced.  In the past, my problem has been taking my gaze off of The Lord’s strength and focusing on my weaknesses instead, which then leads to complaining, which then leads to resentment, and on, and on... it’s a vicious cycle - a trick and an absolute trap.

But I’m stronger and wiser than I have ever been before so here’s the truth I know: the will of God will not take me where His grace cannot keep me because He has gone before me to prepare the way.

He has gone before me.  He has gone before you.

The cold hard facts are this:

Being a wife is impossible work sometimes 

Being a mom is impossible work sometimes 

Add any combination of external stressors (health challenges, special needs, single parenthood, blended families, financial hardships, etc.) and we can easily find ourselves in fight or flight mode.  If this is you today speak the truth of God’s word over your life: “He has gone before me to prepare the way.”  If this isn’t for you today, hide it in your heart and remember it when the storm comes. 

Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up.
— ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6:9‬

Diary: The Balancing Act

Diary: Do You See, What I See?