
Good Morning!

Diary: Protect Your Peace


When I was 24, I went through a very painful and extremely humiliating break up.  The day after it came to an end, which happened to be a Sunday, The Lord woke me up and said “Go make peace with me,” so I got up, went to the early service, and stood at the altar completely broken and fallen apart, but by the time service had ended, the peace of The Lord surely did wash over me.

That was the beginning of my understanding how important it was to find, keep, and protect my peace in Jesus.  Protecting my peace in my home, my marriage, and my mothering means keeping a narrow sphere of influence.

At 24, I was running around inviting everyone into my business because I didn’t comprehend that the only opinion that matters about me is The Lord’s.

At 37, I choose to run straight to Him because He is the only One who can keep me in perfect peace.


You will keep the mind that is dependent on You in perfect peace, for it is trusting in You.
— Isaiah 26:3
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